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Building cost allocation models to gain insights about profitability of products and services (video included)

Expert session: building cost allocation models to gain insights about profitability of products and services

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In the recorded video of the event you will hear from the experts:

– Demonstration of SAP Profitability and Performance Management solution, how it can be used to develop multi-step cost allocation and driver-based models.
– Hear from our partners about real life use cases in various industries – how retail, banking, insurance, and others are optimizing processes and offerings based on profitability insights.

10:00-10:05 Introduction Maris Svilans, CEO, Infotrust SIA, SAP partner in Latvia
10:05-10:40 SAP Profitability and Performance Management solution: demo Domas Voroneckas, Infotrust SIA, SAP partner in Latvia
10:40-10:55 Typical use cases by industries: Retail, Telco, Financial Services, Sustainability Markus Vogel, Associate Director, MSG, SAP SolEx Partner from Germany


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