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Invitation by President of Latvia for Infotrust team

Infotrust was invited by President of Latvia Mr. Egils Levits and her excellency Ms. Andra Levite to an official welcome ceremony as a gratitude to our company support of people of Ukraine.

Thanks our colleague Jānis Dreimanis who represented Infotrust and attended a concert of rock group “Pērkons” and met representatives of many other Latvian companies at President’s Palace garden. What a Sunday!

Here are the photos in official Flickr account: 03.07.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits un Andra Levite piedalās pateicības koncertā par ieguldījumu labdarības kustībā karā cietušās Ukrainas un tās cilvēku atbalstam | Flickr

Here is the speech the President gave to the invited audience: Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita runa pateicības koncertā par ieguldījumu labdarības kustībā karā cietušās Ukrainas un tās cilvēku atbalstam | Valsts prezidenta kanceleja (

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