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Qlik Customer Day 2023: events in pictures

Qlik Customer Day

October 18-19, 2023

By Lina Kriukeliene, Infotrust marketing and trainings manager


This has happened. After couple years of hosting online events, our annual and largest event, Qlik Customer Day 2023, came to life in Vilnius and Riga with an incredible lineup of speakers, guests, attendees, partners, and even an amazing magic show which, we believe, was a delightful surprise in Vilnius.

You can plan meticulously and be well-prepared, and everything can run smoothly, from the agenda to the coffee breaks but sometimes something happens…This time, there were no “buts” and we all – the audience, people on stage, supportive teams – were in perfect sync and on the same note! At least, it felt that way and the positive feedback we received was overwhelming! As one of our colleagues wrote later “…the most important things to make such events successful are the heart-beat of the shared mindset and values…” Seems that we all experienced this!

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who dedicated a day to join us – Infotrust and Qlik. Our audiences in both countries made the events truly exceptional. Over 250 engaged Qlik users asked us 58 questions! 👏 Not all were answered live but find the answers here>

Next, we’d like to express my gratitude to our speakers Dan Sommer, Morgan Adolfsson, Maris Svilans, Milda Vitalytė, Saulius Kriukelis who delivered seriuos and complex topics in such a “humanized” way! Thanks our Qlik guests for the support during the events – Thomas Kristiansen and Jonas Lindén.

A special thanks to our Partners in the Baltics 💪 Vytautas Siaurusaitis, Rolandas Šustikas, Milda Drobaviciene, Akvilė Anikėnaitė, Justinas Petkevicius, Konstantins Skaredovs, Olegs Luksha and all others who attended and talked to Baltic Qlik users!

And a hearty round of applause goes to our colleagues at Infotrust – it’s the people who make it all happen! Special hug to Simona Klebonaite, Milda Vitalytė, Giedrius Rumšys, Ksenija Daņilova, Santa Pildava, Uldis Putnins, Raivis Mackevičs, Artyom Tukums, Vitalija Sakalauskiene, Jevgenija Kirijenko, Vėjūnė Bataitytė, Edgaras Petraševičius, Rihards Sorokins, Agne Gurevičiūtė, Ramūnas Mazeliauskas, Saulius Kriukelis.

Magic show by Justinas Malinauskas 👏 You are just great!
Photo by Arturas Zukas / Arturasz Photography and the team!

So many ideas for future events – we will keep You updated. Meet all next time. Live, for sure!

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