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Qlik Sense May 2024: Visualizations updates

By Patric Nordström, Product Manager at Qlik

May 15, 2024.

Qlik Sense May 2024: Visualizations updates

May 2024

Client Managed Release Features

  • Cyclic master dimensions – In SaaS May 7th
  • Button go to chart – In SaaS Feb 20th
  • Color opacity – In SaaS April 2nd
  • Table improvements
    o Column width – In SaaS April 16th o URL links – In SaaS April 16th
  • Pivot improvements
    o URL links – In SaaS April 16th
    o Text alignment, measure formatting and dimension limits – In SaaS April 16th
  • More
    o Expression evaluation in button – In SaaS April 30th
    o Drag and drop charts to layout container – In SaaS May 8th o Sheet <> nav icons – In SaaS March 26th

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What's new in Qlik Sense May 2024

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