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Qlik Meetup: QlikView migration to Qlik Sense – why and how?

Recorded presentation, Qlik Meetup Riga, Jul/9, 2020 (online event)

QlikView migration to Qlik Sense – why and how? Host: Ainars Augulis – Accenture Latvia Data management team lead


  • Future of QlikView – Why Qlik Sense
  • Qlik statement of direction
  • Future for QlikView upgrades
  • QlikView to Qlik Sense gains
  • QlikView versus Qlik Sense architecture comparison
  • QlikView to Qlik Sense process
  • Preparations before migration
  • Data layer
  • Application layer
  • Chart compatibility
  • Other sheet object compatibility
  • New chart types
  • Step by step process example

As businesses actively explore growing capabilities for data visualization tools in the market to support data-driven decision-making processes in the company, we as data visualization specialists see the tendency for slow migration from structural to self-service reporting. Qlik, which is one of the leaders in data visualization tools according to Gartner’s Quadrant, has developed two products that our clients use. One — QlikView — has been on the market for more than 30 years and is used for classical structural reporting. “Becoming live journey” for every report in this platform starts with a defined requirement set that is passed to a developer and ends up with a fixed report, delivered to the owner of the requirements. Recently, another Qlik vendor platform has gained a stable place in the market. Qlik Sense is a self-service data visualization tool with built-in augment intelligence options. Its position is also strengthened by the ease of access, drag and drop development approach and device-independent web interface that is used for development. As a result, advanced business users can build and enhance dashboards, reports, and stories that support decision-making process by themselves.

The main drivers that motivate businesses to consider migrating their existing data analytics platform from QlikView to Qlik Sense can be summarized in several points: Qlik statement of direction; Qlik Sense self-service possibilities; security, maintenance and responsiveness enhancements in Qlik Sense platform. An additional benefit is simplified data management stage and drag and drop development approach. Any migration includes gains and losses. In the upcoming meetup we will tell about all relevant information that describes the migration process, gives main points that should be considered in the analysis phase. We also have elucidated the pros and cons of both platforms, as well as the technical details of the migration process.

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