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From Data Chaos to Clarity – Unveiling Snowflake’s Unified Cloud Data Platform: presentations

From Data Chaos to Clarity – Unveiling Snowflake’s Unified Cloud Data Platform

May 7-8, 2024 (Riga and Vilnius)

Any questions, kindly write: Lina Kriukeliene,

First and foremost, we want to say our heartfelt thanks to those who dedicated a day to join us. Our audiences in both countries made the events truly exceptional. Over 100 engaged data architects asked us almost 50 questions! 👏 Not all were answered live but we will keep our promise to share them here as well.

Review Snowflake 1st Baltics events in pictures here>

Snowflake Events May 2024: Your Burning Questions, Answered!

Event presentations and recordings:







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