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Sustainability with SAP: after the 1st Baltic roadshow (video)

As SAP partner we invited professionals responsible for sustainability agenda in their companies from manufacturing, banking, insurance, telco, logistics sectors to meet us and our experienced sustainability partners in live events in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. The 1st live Baltic roadshow on sustainability topics “Sustainability with SAP: Chasing Zero” was organized in Jun 14-16, 2022. Special thanks to event partners: SAP, msg global, ELLE.

“I would like to start from an analogy. You have probably seen the film “Fight Club” with Brad Pitt? And the 1st rule of fight club was: don’t talk about “Fight Club”. And what was the 2nd rule? Yes, never talk about “Fight Club”. As far as sustainability is concered all is totally the other way around. Everybody is talking about sustainability right now…Today’s agenda is about general topics: why we need this and practical examples will be demonstrated how to deal with sustainability issues in future…” Ainars Bemberis, SAP Latvia

Riga’s event was filmed – we are inviting you to watch all event here:

We are also inviting to choose what presentation can be interested for you and watch here:

ECOnomics: Bringing profit and planet together by Tiina Antturi | Head of Sustainability in SAP Nordics and Baltics>>

Tiina has worked in sales management and HR positions in ICT industry, both in Finland and internationally. She is a believer on the fact how technology and digital processes can speed up the sustainable development goals to realize.

“…Sustainability is a very huge area and very complicated if you take it a whole but you need to start…with one corner…There is a very good understanding on what we can do with some of the stuff but it’s not only regularaty, the reporting or legal stuff…you can also start to innovate, create new processes and new services, new products that are sustainable, that are actually helping our children, their children to have a future…” Tiina Antturi

Approaching Sustainable Business Systematically by Maris Svilans | CEO, SIA Infotrust>>

For the past 20 years, Maris has been advising clients on how to use SAP BusinessObjects to transform data into reliable information. Along with the growth of SAP in the Baltics, the Infotrust team has also grown and Maris manages its Riga office.

“…agree with your stakeholders what you want to change using those metrics, start measuring it. Once you start measuring you can manage it… so to see – are we going the right direction. And then it is also important to communicate to your colleagues – this is a goal we a going, this is our progress. And share the insights to be able to make daily decisions based on these metrics. I think this is a quite short recipe how to approach ESG sustainability in a systematic way…” Maris Svilans, Infotrust

SAP PaPM sustainability in action by Mariana Viesca | Corporate Sustainability Advisor, msg global>>

Mariana, as Corporate Sustainability Advisor in msg-global, supports customers across multiple industries in achieving their ESG and net-zero targets through the use of best practice digitisation in the calculation and management of non-financial information office. See a customer success story led by Mariana –Navantia’s journey to a green path with SAP>>

ESG and non-financial reporting: requirements and practical implications by Jūlija Doktorova | “Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment”, SIA>>

Jūlija’s knowledge and experience: air quality management; environmental policy development & assessment; environmental impact assessment; environmental protection planning; GIS;

“ doesn’t have to be…like “save the world”. Definitely, it’s not a target – “to save the world”. You do what you can and the most important that you can measure it. Otherwise, it doesn’t make much sense.” Jūlija Doktorova, ELLE

Special thanks to one of our keynote speakers – Andre Wiersig. Before discovering his passion for the wide Ocean, André Wiersig worked with and sold SAP software for many years at msg global. Now he spends most of his time in and speaking for the Ocean.

Moments of the events in Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius – thanks for all who attended and were so active asking questions and discussing!


We wish to thank our moderators: Tiit Parts from SAP Estonia in Tallinn, Ainars Bemberis from SAP Latvia and Gytis Morkūnas, SAP Partner Business Manager Baltics from Vilnius. And also Inara Laan, Aykut Tellibayraktar, Markus Vogel, Florentina Beck for so much help in organizing the event.

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