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Qlik Sense November 2022: Infotrust consultants highlights

What’s new – Qlik Sense 2022 November

Qlik has released the new client-managed version of its data analytics platform. Qlik Sense November 2022 includes innovations in the areas of analytics and data visualization as well as connectivity. The November version is the last release for Qlik Sense on Windows this year. The new features and optimizations mainly concern the customization of charts and the Insight Advisor.

Qlik releases Qlik Sense updates once in a quarter and our consultants highlights the features what could be the most interesting for our Customers. Below You will find these highlights but You can also read our consultants insights for:

Custom tooltips for KPis

Starting from November 2022 Qlik Sense provides custom tooltips for KPI objects, i.e. for the first time also for objects without dimensions. It is now possible to add the following additional information: title, description, measure, image or chart.


Custom Tooltips are now available for various visualizations such as bar charts, bullet charts, combo charts, line charts, maps, pie charts, scatter plots, tree maps, and KPIs. Just quick reminder: the tooltips are displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the respective object.

Font styling with map charts

It is now possible to style the font for titles, subtitles and footnotes in map charts.

Font properties (family, size and color) can be customized for labels in different types of map layers (point, area, chart, line layers).

Outer set expressions in Set Analysis

This change has been introduced in Qlik Sense August 2022, but was not mentioned in our insights of previous version. An additional position for set expression was introduced: set expressions can be written outside the aggregation function.

The outer set expression will affect the entire expression, unless it is enclosed in round brackets (the brackets define the lexical scope).

Inner set overrides outer set:

For master measures this change allows a very powerful re-usability.

Auto-generate an analysis using Insight Advisor Analysis Types

Desired type of analysis can now be selected via the new Insight Advisor „Analysis Types“, which is then generated by Insight Advisor with the help of artificial intelligence. A lot of types of analysis are available, such as trending, comparison, period over period, year to date, and much more.

The entire sheet of comprehensive study with graphs can now be automatically produced.

Prepared by Tatjana Serapieniene, Qlik Sense developer, Infotrust

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Qlik Sense November 2022

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